Welcome to Fezziwigs.net

Fezziwigs.net provides web hosting and design services, database design, consulting, and domain name registrations.

Fezziwigs.net has a simple philosophy: Do the right thing.
For our customers, this means quality, personalized service, at a fair price, from professional people.

Fezziwigs.net gets its name from a character in "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. Mr. Fezziwig is Scrooge's old employer. The ghost of christmas past, takes Scrooge back to Fezziwig's, to demonstrate how a business should be run. The lesson is: treat your customers and employees well, show kindness to all and have fun. Old Fezziwig enjoyed life, loved to dance and threw a great christmas party.

At fezziwigs.net our design philosophy is to keep it simple, with a minimum of cluter, animations, sounds etc., these things detract from the purpose of a web site, which is to get your message across. If a page takes too long to down load, many people will simply hit the back button and never see the page.

If you have any questions please contact us